Thursday, November 13, 2014

Amanda - Class of 2015

Maybe it was the fact she didn’t know how to put on makeup because she doesn’t usually wear any.  Maybe it was the laughing fit we had when she almost got knocked out by a flying champagne cork.  Maybe it was her pretty hair and how adorable she looked in her sundress.   It’s hard to say what I loved most about Amanda and her photo session.  Whatever it was, I can tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with her and hopefully capturing her carefree, “just enjoying life” attitude in these photographs.

Amanda and I hope to fit another photo session in before she graduates, so you’ll probably see more of her on the blog in the future.

Amanda, I know I don't need to tell you this, but I hope you enjoy every moment of your senior year!  I'll see you again before it's over...looking forward to it!